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Reaping God's Goodness When the Lights Go Out

July 19, 2020

Reaping God's Goodness When the Lights Go Out

On October 28, 2014, some 16 years after Andrew's death, Andrew "Clemens" Odom was born. He made his Mimsy sit up all night long waiting for him. But when that child made his first little cry, and I was right there to record it, my heart started healing like you would not believe. Oh My Goodness! I did not know how much healing I needed until Clemens. Ray and I would not stop smiling. I wanted the world to know I had a grandson.

Ray and I did not know Maddie too well, so I was unsure if she would want me to keep Clemens when he was born. I was scared to be hopeful, but as the months passed and her time to deliver drew near, Maddie had accepted Ray and me in her life as family and friends. She wanted me to be with her, Gideon, and her mother during delivery. I would have not been more excited. That was a day I will never ever forget.

Not only did Madison allow me to be part of his miraculous birth (all births are miraculous in my mind), but she also allowed me to keep him often. I was elated. What had I done to deserve this special little boy? Ray and I spoiled him rotten. I wrote books for him, bought him everything I could think of to buy him, took him everywhere I could take him... He was like "George" was on Daffy Duck. I wanted to hug him, and pet him, and kiss him, and squeeze him.

When Clemens was three, Gideon "Emmitt" Odom was born. He was born on April 2, 2018. Ray and I could not believe God sent us our 2nd grandchild on the same date as Andrew's death. I was also able to witness this miraculous birth. Emmitt gave us all a scare for a few moments, and I was never so thankful to hear little cries. This child is such a loving little boy. He's just entered his terrible twos, and Mimsy calls him her little "Wild Man." But he has brought us so much joy. He loves to rock and sing, and Mimsy is happy doing just that with him. He thinks he's supposed to do exactly what Clemens does, and he loves playing in Mimsy's hair. He's actually the only little boy I know who can get away with tearing her hair down in church... which he did last night. He wanted my clip.

Two years later, on April 2, 2020, God really blessed the Odom family - TWINS... boys again... Edward Ramsey Odom and Kenneth Rhett Odom were born. During COVID... Mimsy did not get to see their births (and I don't think I  will ever forgive our government or the healthcare industry for this), but they arrived safe and sound. Ramsey is our giant of a man. Rhett is my dimpled-chin baby. They are the sweetest babies, and they love Mimsy's voice.

What are the odds of having a grandson have the same birthday as your son's death day? Pretty high... but what are the odds of having two more grandsons born on that same dates... Supernaturally Odd! God loves me. I know He does. He has sent more joy to me on April 2 than I deserve. And while April 2 will always be Andrew's death date, and a time to mourn for me... I will still rejoice.

Aunt Beck used to have a favorite chorus that we sang at ICC. It goes something like this: (I Will Rejoice - William Murphy)

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God.
So I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad.
My depressed days are over, I will, I made up my mind, I will, I'm gonna be glad.

There is a fountain full of grace that flows from Emmanuel's veins.
There is a fountain so full of grace that flows from my Savior's veins.
It came and it healed me
It came and refreshed me
It came and washed my sins away!

So I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad.
I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad.

My advice for the grieving soul today:

1. Find the river! The river of gladness!
2. Splash in the river! The river of gladness!
3. Find healing in the river! The river of gladness!

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. (Psalms 46:1-5)

Much love to you all!

To Be Continued!